I just discovered that the climbing beans have been secretly growing, hiding under all the foliage, and suddenly I had a carrier bag full of beans!
There is masses of soft fruit, shared with the birds, and the badgers are making nightly forages through the rows, bashing down foliage and leaving their marks!
Interestingly, the birds are not so keen on loganberries as they are tart, but we are having to net the sweet raspberries as they are taking them all.
The flower garden is producing many wonderful bunches... either yellows oranges green and white or pinks blues and purples. The gypsophila is great, worth putting in another quick row. Masses of cornflowers, cosmos, snap dragons, long purple spike flowers and here come the gladioli! The dahlias were ravaged by slugs. maybe worth growing in pots first before planting out.
The first sunflower is towering majestically over the flower garden.
All looking good
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